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When will my hoodie be delivered?

We get it, you are excited to receive your unique Leavers Hoodie. Here is some info about how orders are processed.

All hoodies from the same order are produced at the same time. We don't start producing any garments until the shop or form has closed and the final order is confirmed by the organiser. Typically, this process takes 2-4 weeks.

If the whole order is being delivered to the organiser, they will announce to you when your garments are ready for collection. Many schools keep hold of garments until events like leavers assemblies or school trips. Please contact the organiser at your organisation if you would like to know when the garments will be handed out.

If the orders are being individually to delivered to your home address, you can expect to receive them 2-4 weeks after the final order confirmation. Please contact the organiser at your organisation for the approximate date they are expecting your garments to be delivered.